Make teaching money management skills as simple as 1-2-3.
Designed to teach valuable financial skills, the Hands on Banking® program offers free online courses, lessons and activities that will help you guide students through real-life scenarios and group discussions. And all without any endorsements or advertising.
Courses and lesson plans
Whether you are teaching young children or teenagers, Hands on Banking resources can help you prepare, extend and supplement your lessons as well as assess student knowledge and progress. Many of the lessons and course modules are designed to meet educational standards such as Common Core State Standards1 and the National Standards for Personal Finance Education from Jump$tart Coalition and the Council for Economic Education. Explore Hands on Banking and help instill knowledge about spending, saving, giving back and more.

Elementary School
Help kids learn all about money – where it comes from, how to earn it, and how to keep it safe. And help them figure out the difference between a “need” and “want”.

Middle School
Teens know that money is fun to get and spend. But if they learn some money basics, they’ll have more options. Help them start saving and boosting their earning power.

High School
Help high school students start their financial lives smart and strong. These lessons cover school loans, saving and investing, balance a budget, and developing strong credit.
“I LOVE the detailed lessons with engaging worksheets that scaffold student learning.”
Suzanne K, Grade 4 teacher, NY
The Hands on Banking Experience
The Hands on Banking® Experience is a “real-world” money management simulation, designed for young adults, that helps teach important financial education concepts such as budgeting, comparison shopping, and evaluating needs, wants, and trade offs in a relevant and engaging way. Download instructions and materials to conduct the activity in person or virtually.
Ready-made PowerPoint files for simple presentations to youth audiences are available on the Hands on Banking Practitioner Resources page.
1The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers are the sole owners and developers of the Common Core State Standards. © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.